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Answers to some of your questions

Q: How well does Water-King actually work?
A: Well enough for us to have over 250,000 units in use worldwide.


What type of pipes will it treat?
A: All types - even plastic pipes! (N.B. It cannot be directly attached to a lead pipe. See installation leaflet).


Does Water-King cost much to run?
A: No. Running cost for domestic models is less than $10 a year on average.


What difference will I notice to my water?
A: After 4-6 weeks, the water will feel 'silky'. Shower heads, taps and kettles will become scale-free. Any remaining scale can easily be removed as it softens. Water pressure (hot and cold) may increase dramatically. Your hot water thermostat may have to be turned down to compensate for higher hot water temperatures. Soaps, Shampoos and Detergents will lather better and you may need less of them.


Are there any health benefits from Water-King?
A: The calcium essential to plant and animal life is present in hard water and is retained in water treated by Water-King.


What about skin and hair?
A: Hard untreated water can cause dry, itchy skin and dull lifeless hair. After treatment of water by Water-King, even skin conditions like Psoriasis and Eczema have shown substantial improvements.


Why don't magnetic and electro-magnetic treatments work?
A: Because one magnetic signal or frequency is not enough. Different parts of the country require a cocktail of specific signals to de-stabilise the ionic equilibrium of salts in solution. Water-King's unique, automatically variable frequency system produces the desired treatment regardless of mineral composition, strength or temperature.

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